Soaking in the Word of God

“6 These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart.”
Deuteronomy 6:6 (HCSB)
Dear believer in Christ, have you soaked you heart in the Word of God lately?  Have you tasted of its sweet nectar and allowed it to warm the depths of your inmost being?  Are the glorious riches of the Word constantly being deposited into your mind?  If not, then seek it out with all of your heart and you will find times of refreshing for your soul.
When we plant ourselves next to the overflowing streams of God’s word, we begin to yield our fruit for Christ in its proper season.  As we drink from His overflowing cup, we begin to taste and see that the He is good.  It is those words of wisdom, through the power of the Holy Spirit, which keeps our way pure and our foot from stumbling.
“Study it carefully, think of it prayerfully,
Till in your heart its precepts dwell;
Slight not its history, ponder its mystery,
None can ever prize it too fondly or well.”

May we take the time to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn, for only He has the words of eternal life.

Your brother in Christ,
Aaron R. Force
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