Operation Christmas Child

“Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14, ESV 

The OCC Mission

Calvary Rio Rancho has a heart for children and for the mission of Operation Christmas Child, by demonstrating God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with local church’s worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.


Since 1993, Samaritan’s Purse has collected shoebox gifts filled with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items for children around the world. Every year since, more than 220 million children in more than 170 countries and territories have received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. The project delivers not only the joy of what, for many kids, is their first gift ever, but also gives them a tangible expression of God’s love.

The Greatest Journey

Seeking to follow Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19), Samaritan’s Purse has trained over 1.9 million volunteers from these congregations to teach The Greatest Journey, is a dynamic follow-up discipleship course for shoebox recipients. Since 2009, 40.5 million children have enrolled in this 12-lesson program to learn how to follow Christ and share Him with others. More than 20.3 million of these boys and girls have made a decision to accept Jesus as their Savior during the course. Many are now praying for and sharing their faith with family and friends. As a result of this ever-expanding witness, new churches are starting and communities are being transformed!

Your role as a volunteer at Calvary RR for OCC, is to have fun while you serve, you will truly be blessed!

The following are just a few areas we need you.

Prayerfully consider these opportunities.

· Are you a shopper? Join the Shoppers Team! You will receive information via email or text regarding fantastic sales on shoebox items that you can go and purchase and donate towards the Packing Party shoebox items.

· Maybe, just maybe, you prefer to donate funds directly to help in purchasing these shoebox items? That’s always a great way of helping out the ministry and much needed.

· Are you a crafter? Do you sew, knit, make jewelry, or crochet? Join one of those teams and enjoy fellowship while you are serving this amazing ministry.

· Maybe you don’t have time or a particular skill, there’s always time to pray over the items God is placing into a precious child’s hands. Pray on your own or join others in corporate prayer with one another, the need is great!

· We also need volunteers to sort items (inventory) as collections accumulate.

· Strong individuals who can help move and carry shoebox cartons.

· Have you another talent we may not know of? Please let us know what you have in mind.

Become a year-round volunteer at Calvary RR today!

This month's highlighted items are:

  • Personal Care Items 
  • School Supplies

If you would like to purchase items to donate, click the button below.

How to pack a Shoebox:

For more ideas on what to purchase please click below.

If you would like get involved in serving with OCC, please contact Lisa Stevenson at (505) 896-2990.